
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019

New Project

I am working on a new project. Actually, I started working on it in January. I put it aside and am now getting back to it.  I am working on Winter Wonderland, designed by Meg Hawkey at Crabapple Hill Studio. Isn't this just the cutest Christmas design ever?

I have completed all of the patchwork blocks. I delayed starting the embroidered blocks because I was waiting for my new light table to arrive. They are now all traced onto fabric. I completed the first two sections. Here they are on my design wall.

 Closer view.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Rose Windows of Notre Dame

I was fortunate to be able to visit Notre Dame in 2014. I was most excited to see the Rose Windows. 

Now they are gone forever. I am very sad.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Blue Barn

The Blue Barn quilt top has been assembled. Another flimsy added to the 'to be quilted' pile.

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Cute Little Distraction

I found this to be a cute little distraction when I have big projects that I have lost interest in. (Dangling participle)

This project is from Julie Cefalu, I have also posted this on Instagram and shared it at #sewhappyminiquilt.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Back in the Sewing Room

This has been a crazy year so far. Not much posting has been going on. I have been distracted by a health issue and by the complications of setting up a snowbird place in FL. We now have a double-wide in Lakeland, FL for winters. The plan is to go there October - April every year. In February and March, we drove back and forth several times between KY and FL to complete the purchase and to get the home set up. A lot of work, but also fun. All clear on the health issue.

I have spent a couple of afternoons back in the sewing room. I have to get my groove back. I am ignoring the long arm for now. I have been working on the 2018 BOM from The Quilt Show, the blue barn quilt designed by Edita Sitar. Here is my progress so far.

I find the blues to be very relaxing to look at. I will be working on putting more of those rows together today.

Thanks for stopping by.