On the right you can see the adjacent corner. We had plumbing put in that corner so that I can have a laundry tub in that area.
The opposite corner from the laundry tub is currently the cat's corner. I don't know where I will move him when my project is finished. I'd better get that figured out! The TV is for me to watch as I spend hours sewing in my new, splendid space. Beside the TV you can see my Wii Fit. Still not hooked up. I have gotten so out of shape.
The picture on the right is of the future closet. It is a wonderful space. When we were building the house we jokingly called it our wine cellar. That would be a silly use of space for us. I usually have one bottle of wine on hand at a time. I envision this as hanging space for my quilts. I saw on Judy Martin's website that she hangs her quilts using pant hangers. I think that is the best idea. No folds that can stress the fabric. The ceiling is nice and high, so the quilts should be accommodated nicely.